Student Recruitment
for Employers

Golisano Institute students are ready to contribute their skills and entrepreneurial mindset while exploring all your organization offers. Whether you need a short-term team player or a part-time employee who can fit seamlessly into your company culture, recruiting from our pool of talented students is an excellent way to build a diverse talent pipeline of business-ready professionals.


Micro-internships, supported by faculty and career services at Golisano Institute, offer students rotational programming to explore their interests within your business. Students will analyze a rotational area at the end of the program and provide proposed solutions.

  • 38+ hours completed over 4-6 weeks
  • In-person
  • Paid or unpaid
  • September & March

Full-Time Internships

Full-time internships, supported by Golisano Institute faculty and career services, offer students the opportunity to provide real value as part-time employees at your business. Immersed within your organization, students complete structured and supervised experiences with defined responsibilities, tasks, and objectives.

  • 20+ hours per week for 9-11 weeks
  • In-person, remote, or hybrid
  • Paid or unpaid
  • December & June
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Post Jobs on 12twenty

A platform that connects employers to students with the right skills. Easily discover our highly engaged student talent and filter based on your needs.

Man and woman shaking hands

Attend a Career Fair

A chance for students to meet employers face-to-face as they network and explore open and upcoming job opportunities. Attending our job fairs is a great way for employers to streamline the initial screening process for student candidates.

Two women speaking while sitting at a table

Become a Mentor or Networking Connection

Give back to students by sharing your industry and career knowledge or professional network.

Request More Information

Ready to connect with our entrepreneurial-minded students? Complete the form below to contact a member of our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Upskill Your Workforce

Learn how your employees can access our academic program at exclusive rates.